Hint seasonal POP display
While Hint is no stranger to in-store marketing, the brand wanted to execute its first tailgate-themed campaign.
The goal was to produce premium visuals that showcased Hint as a healthy choice using bold colors that stand out in a crowded landscape. And the oversized assets needed to fit in standard shipping cartons to minimize shipping costs.

Collaboration was the name of the game (no pun intended). Imagine created concepts that incorporated brainstorming ideas from the client, and the result was an eye-catching pole topper display.
We produced additional elements based around the main display including header cards, pallet tents, cooler decals, shelving strips, and a base wrap.
Every element was sized not only to fit standard shipping cartons, but also to fit the client’s budget.

At the end of the project, the Hint merchandising team said they felt that Imagine’s design team knew their brand as well as their own designers!
Hint was so pleased with how the campaign turned out that they extended their partnership with Imagine through their spring and summer campaigns the following year. Hint has also received accolades from Creative Magazine for the fun and playful pallet display.
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